Friday, July 9, 2021

Indie and Small Press Comics & Fanzines I've Read Recently, July 9, 2021


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joecab said...

Wow, how on earth did you get your hands on a 35 year old Westfield Newsletter?? I remember that cover and I’m still getting comics from them.

Michael N. said...

Hi Joe, I still have lots of Westfield newsletters because I ordered from them every month in the '80s through probably the early '90s. In fact, one particular issue was extremely fortunate for me. For one month only, they allowed subscribers to list their addresses so other subscribers could get in contact w/each other. Through writing other comics readers, I discovered the world of zines, fanzines and self-publishing, which I previously hadn't known existed. It introduced me to creators I'm still friends with 45 years later. And, I'm still creating minicomics and zines in '21.

Westfield was a great company - I really enjoyed getting that box in the mail every month. I only quit in order to support local shops. Glad to know they're still around.