Saturday, November 5, 2011

Freak Cave and Dr. Zaius Birthday Gifts

Above: beautiful birthday gifts drawn and given to me by Kathleen and Ian Cannell. Kathleen painted a vivid, expressive interpretation of my Freak Cave comic strip, while Ian drew the violent visage of Planet of the Apes' Dr. Zaius (""Man shall never they said in the old proverbs," Are we not men?").

Thank you, Ian and Kathleen. Your appreciation for freakishness gives me hope for the next generation!
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1 comment:

Guljar said...

If you are looking for unique birthday gifts, you may want to consider Message on a Necklace. This sentimental gift idea is sure to be appreciated by the birthday boy or girl. Write that special person a note from the heart. He or she can then wear your note in a glass vial pendant on a sterling silver necklace.
birthday gifts