Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More PulpFest 2011 Pics

Mega pulp fan Walker Martin.

Free is good. So's The Spider.

Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson, granddaughter of Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson.

Publisher Stephen Haffner and book seller Mike Chomko preparing a presentation.

Anthony Tollin, Ed Hulse, Randy Cox and Will Murray on Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow.

Mary took the pics of these beautiful cakes.

Ed Hulse, looking through the good stuff.
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Barry Traylor said...

Nice photos Michael. I need photos to remind myself how nice it was, I seem to be so busy with auction stuff, etc. during PulpFest I don't get around the dealers room as much as I would like.

Michael N. said...

Thanks. Even the photos I took don't convey how big the show was. There was lots to look at. Quite the selection!