Monday, June 21, 2010

Nostradamus: Keepin' It Real Since 1547

For years, the great prophet Nostradamus spoke through modern seer and channeler, Sirianus, whose handsome face graces my blog today.

These Nostradomic interpretations of current events (known in some academic circles as "farcical dribble") were collected in the extraordinary book, The Lost Quatrains of Nostradamus.

The voice of Nostradamus, reaching across the centuries, was quiet for a time (Michel de Nostredame had a notoriously sore throat), but has begun to speak again. Sirianus, the conduit for these profound interpretations of world events, is posting the channelled messages on a new blog, Lost Quatrains, updated on a frequent basis:

Copies of The Lost Quatrains of Nostradamus, Sirianus' previous erruptions, are still available on Amazon. It was illustrated by Michael Neno (not that that dubious fact should deter you from ordering the book):
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